
IDR Currency is Weakened, Rp14.338/USD


IDR currency exchange rate which was traded inter-bank in Jakarta, Tuesday (10/07) was moving weaker 8 points to Rp14.338 than the previous one which was Rp14.330 per USD.

Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) currency in the beginning was stronger per USD, it was about Rp14.318. However, it was moving weaker up to 20 points to be Rp14.350 per USD. Reny Eka Putri, as the Money Market Analyst of Mandiri Bank, said that the impairment of IDR was caused by the profit taken action by certain people after IDR got stronger previously of USD.

"Furthermore, there is no a strong positive sentiment yet from the domestic consumers although the trustworthiness index from the consumers is getting better." Reny said, in Jakarta, Tuesday (10/07).

Different from IDR, the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) was strengthened up to 31.66 points or 0.55 percent to 5,839.04 in line with the strengthening of the regional stock market. While, group of 45 leading stocks or LQ45 was moving high from 8.01 points (0.87 percent) up to 924.87 points. *ant *ph
